Balance Compassion Forgiveness Growth Letting Go Love Purpose Relationships

Forgiveness and Meaning in Your Life

There is meaning in our lives – the journey of the ego – and our relationships. The ego is not just an accident or consequence of our physical selves in this life.

There is a positive potential in the complex life we are given. Our gifts, challenges, predispositions and circumstances point towards that potential. This is the challenge and adventure of this lifetime.

In our relationships lies greater meaning also awaiting our discovery. It may be a greater understanding of others and ourselves, the issues we must resolve in order to grow – our personal demons and recurring interpersonal issues. It may be the awakening of compassion in yourself and others. It may be receiving, accepting and giving authentic love.

This is not the denial of your ego and the role of your self in this life. You must attend to the well-being and balanced health of the self so that you can achieve your potential and discover your purpose in this life.

Forgiveness involves seeing the past and our relationships from a spiritual perspective – from the vantage of real love.

It does not require your self to remain in harm’s way. Be compassionate and loving to your self.